Homeschool preschool activities, 8 activities we know and love!

Today I am going to give you an inside look on how we spend our days when we aren’t doing “school work.” We have the traditional sit-down, homeschool preschool, but I like the girls to have plenty of variety and time to explore during the day. In fact, these 8 activities could be the basis for your homeschool!
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Homeschool Preschool Activities
One of their absolute favs is play-doh. I scored all this for 5 bucks at a rummage sale this fall. Best money I have ever spent! It’s great for taking outdoors too!

Back in the day, my husband and I used to work together at a company that sold educational supplies. One of the perks is access to damaged material. My husband also is a huge art lover so he picked up this clay to bring home and use. Fast forward 5 years and now our kids are using it! Bear really loves anything artistic: painting or drawing and she really got into the sculpting also. My kids also love Model Magic and kinetic sand.
Click here for more of our favorite sensory play activities!

When I say Bear loves to paint, I should say she LIVES to paint. Nothing makes her happier (or keeps her more occupied) than a brush and some paint. She usually paints while I read aloud a chapter book to Fofo.

I am not super crafty, but I do my best since the girls LOVE them. Even if the results don’t always end up like they are supposed to 😉 I put their first initial on the paper with doubled sided tape, hoping they would paint all over the page. Then when you remove the tape, you can see the letter. Well I either didn’t explain it right or they weren’t interested because they just painted on TOP of the letter. Oh well. I will have to try again sometime.

Another 5 bucks well spent was some workbooks I bought at Target during back to school time from their dollar section. They loved working on them so it was totally worth it. Plus they are sturdy and educational 🙂

What kid doesn’t love to get our paper and crayons and get creative!

Free Play
My Little Pony is their go-to. But they also have a Melissa and Doug kitchen set, Little Tykes doll house, barbies, baby dolls, cars, puzzles, and board games during our free play.

I love these small dry erase boards! (Similar to these.) They are perfect for practicing name writing. Also, there is something about kids having the control to erase just makes them sit for hours and doodle. Ok maybe not hours but it seems like it.

I hope you found some inspiration from our homeschool preschool activities! Click here for all of our Letter of the Week work!