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Before “This is Us,” “Parenthood” was the show guaranteed to make you cry. I remember watching the episode where Adam and Kristina are trying to find a school for Max, their autistic son. Nothing was the right fit for him. I was sitting there staring at the computer screen thinking to myself, “this is so stupid. They should just homeschool Max and forget about this other nonsense!” Talk about an aha-moment.
Vincent van Gogh once said, “Your profession is not what brings home your paycheck. Your profession is what you were put on earth to do… with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.”
Growing up I imagined myself being a lawyer, a writer, or a teacher. What I never imagined was I would find my true calling in homeschooling.
My career goal was to be a fifth grade teacher and inspire students the way my fifth grade teacher inspired me. However in recent years, I have found myself in every educational circumstance saying “Just homeschool!” to people’s education dilemmas. Whether it’s watching Parenthood or reading people’s FB status, I find myself being the homeschooling advocate.
Homeschooling Advocate
I spend quite a bit of time here at The Surly Housewife talking about how amazing homeschooling is and how I think everybody should do it! More on that in this post here.
I think every parent should try homeschooling their child. It could be for a week, it could be for a semester, heck even a whole year! Parents would have a better understanding of what teachers go through and more importantly they would learn SO much about their kids.
I know what you are thinking, “I would go nuts having my kids around me all the time!” And I bet you would be surprised that it isn’t that bad. Because you are around each other 24/7, your kids get more of your attention. And when kids’ cups are filled they spent a majority of their time independently!

I never imagined I would be passionate about homeschooling. My husband and I started homeschooling wondering if it would be a good fit for our family, but four years in we KNOW it was the right decision for our family.
Homeschooling would be a great benefit to many families. If you have a child who is struggling with sitting still, reading, writing, or just about anything. The method of shoving kids together based on age and geography doesn’t work for most kids! Especially boys.
One of the things I love most about homeschooling is the longer you do it, the longer you want to keep doing it. The phrase, “Thank god we homeschool” is muttered around here quite often. It could be a developmental milestone the kids have reached early or late. Another virtue signaling cause being taught at school. A bad flu season. A bomb scare. A kid going on a learning strike.
Pema Chodron said “Nothing ever goes away until it teaches us what we need to know.” And as frustrating as homeschooling can be, it always seems to be the right answer for our family.
So when people ask my kids what grade they are in and they respond “we are homeschooled,” it’s really so much more than that. It’s a lifestyle. It’s something we live and breathe everyday. It makes us happy and grateful. And we would love to welcome more of you to our homeschool tribe.