Snack storage ideas that promote independence!

“Can I have a snack please?” Any parent who spends extended periods of time with their kids have probably heard this question about 9000 times over the course of their kids’ lives. And if your kids are anything like mine, they ask at the most inconvenient time: i.e. when I want to take a nap 🙂
The problem stemmed from two things. One, our refrigerator is on top and the freezer is on the bottom. Making it difficult for small children to grab the snacks they need.
Two, I wanted one less thing to be relied on for. They weren’t old enough to have free range of the fridge and pantry, but they were capable of getting snacks for themselves.
In the interest of saving time, I wanted the ability to pack all their snacks for the day. Set it and forget it!
I started racking my brain for snack storage ideas. I wanted to find one container for the refrigerated snacks and one for non-perishable snacks.
Snack Storage Ideas
Snack Bins for the Refrigerator
The trouble was finding the actual box! Seriously how hard is it to find smallish reusable container that fits in your fridge. I’m so glad I found these!

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Tada!! A small, shoebox, 6×6 tote which holds their refrigerated snacks for the day. They are easy to open and has plenty of room for their food. I have each labeled with their name and they love to look and see what snacks they have for the day!
UPDATE! I bought these containers over 5 years ago and even though we don’t use them for snack storage, we use them for storing our homeschool supplies. They are perfect size for the oodles and oodles of markers we have around the house. They are well worth the price to buy them in bulk.

Both the containers fit perfectly side by side in the fridge. I fill them up in the morning when I am packing my husbands lunch, things like yogurt, string cheese, berries, or hummus.
Your child may need a chair or stool to reach the snack box, but that’s ok! Just because your child might not be at the age to PICK OUT a healthy snack, doesn’t mean they aren’t to GET their own snacks. That make sense?
Related Reads:
Storage Ideas for Non-perishable Snacks
I have a hatred for bananas. I don’t eat bananas. I haven’t been able to since they made me sick when I was pregnant. But besides that, the smell of bananas permeates the entire lunch box or container you are using. So I needed to find another container to put bananas and dry goods in that do not need to be refrigerated.

Viola! A simple, plastic serving bowl. I bought this one at Walgreens, but I found a similar one on Amazon which I have linked below.
It’s the perfect size for bananas. But I also use other small storage containers to portion out servings of pretzels, granola bars, and popcorn. The jars above were 8 oz Ball jars but I had a hard time those exact ones. But I did find another brand which I have linked below.
- Click here to order the plastic bowls from Amazon
- Click here to order the 8 oz plastic jars from Amazon!
I put the bowl where my daughters can access it easily. Either the kitchen counter or the kitchen table.
Simple things like getting their own snacks help young children gain so much independence and confidence. It’s a simple stepping stone to things like making their own lunch or unloading the dishwasher. The more independent they become the more it frees you up to some of the other 7000 things you have to do. Like nap. Sorry, I like naps.