Self-Care Activities for Stressed Homeschool Moms

All homeschool moms will recognize this moment. We just want to punch out, we want a shift change, and it isn’t coming any time soon. We would love it if our husband worked strictly 9-5 so we have a definite time for having an extra set of hands.
But the reality is the life we live is far from typical and even though we would love to punch out 5, the reality is we can’t.
Because of the long days and uncertain schedules, it so important that we take time for ourselves. We need to take that 30 minutes to an hour to refresh and recenter ourselves. Because dinnertime is coming whether we like it or not!
Reasons for Self-Care
My biggest reason for practicing self-care is to avoid burnout. Burnout is real and burnout can have lasting affects if you go from burnout to burnout and never take time to actually relax.
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Most moms KNOW they need to take time for self-care but struggle in FINDING the time for self-care. So how do we find time?
How to find time for self-care?
The answer is simple: you have to make time. Stop being a martyr and realize you need to make time in your day o practice self-care. I know there is a way to find 30 to 60 minutes in your day where you won’t be interrupted. Whether it is nap time, or screen time you have to find the time!
- Nap time
- Screen time
- Send kids to the library. When your kids get older, they can leave the house without you. It’s pretty amazing! My kids walk to the library almost every day.
- Wake up early
- Stay up an extra 30 minutes
- Straight up tell your kids, “Mama can’t hang, I need an hour.
- Hire a mother’s helper to give you a break.
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I get it. You get busy and you don’t schedule in downtime for yourself. But sometimes I think we get so caught up in the “I have to make time for myself” cycle that we don’t actually just DO the thing we need to do.
In fact, the amount of time for self-care doesn’t really matter. What matters is you take the time to focus on yourself and your basic needs. The self-care that helps you feel centered, refreshed, and ready to tackle the rest of your day.
Then comes the million dollar question. The kids are occupied for the next hour. I have this time all to myself. What on earth do I do that isn’t watching Netflix or mindlessly scrolling social media?
I got ya covered! A list of 20 self-care activities covering four different types of self-care that you can complete in 30 minutes to an hour. These activities are specifically screen free and are designed to relax, energize, and recharge you for the rest of the day.

Self-Care types
1. Physical Self-Care
Physical self-care involves fueling and taking care of your physical body. Don’t worry. I’m not talking about working out. Working out involves putting (good) stress on the body in order to strengthen and condition it. Physical self-care means doing something to make your body feel better without the stress of a full-fledge workout.
- Workout. I know this sounds like a contradiction, but if, IF you enjoy working out by all means consider it self-care.
- Stretching or Yoga poses. For those of us who don’t enjoy working out but would like to add some exercise to your day yoga, stretching, or natural movement exercises are perfect. It doesn’t feel like a workout but you feel great afterwards!
- Nap
- Go for a walk. If your kids are old enough to be left home alone for short periods of time, don’t be afraid to go for a walk around the neighborhood.
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2. Mental Self-Care
Often I think mental self-care is what most people believe ALL self-care is, but it’s actually just one category. This includes the bettering of our emotional and spiritual well-being. Think of mental self-care as what relaxes you and grounds you. 30 minutes to an hour is the wonderful amount of time to relax and pamper yourself. You can focus on the present moment, as well as give yourself a break from your worries.
- Meditate, pray, or read a spiritual book.
- Write in or start a journal so you can write down your feelings, emotions, or gratitudes.
- Pamper yourself. Take a long shower or bath, give yourself a pedicure, paint your nails, or put on a face mask. Whatever makes your feel pampered and luxurious.
- Go outside and get fresh air. Sometimes all you need is to sit outside in the silence and enjoy your surroundings.
- Listen to your favorite music or ambient sounds
Related Reads
- 101 Sensational Ways for Moms to Enjoy Self-Care Time
- 7 Ways to Practice Self-Care as a Busy Mom Without Feeling Guilty
3. Intellectual Self-Care
Self-care isn’t easy for all moms. Especially for the types of women who need to DO something. Personally, I can veg out and watch Netflix anytime of day. But somedays I do need to engage my brain. It could be some something creative like coloring, something analytical like a jigsaw puzzle, or making your life easier. Small household tasks, like organizing and cleaning, are great for this type of self-care because future you will thank you for it! Self-care isn’t just the fun stuff. Sometimes it’s doing things to make life easier.
- Read
- Work on a puzzle like a jigsaw, crossword, word search
- Color or doodle
- Set a timer for 30 minutes and clean or declutter an area of your house.
- Clear out your mind by doing a brain dump and setting up monthly goals and/or a to do list
- Work on whatever hobby you may have: crafting, knitting, sewing, or scrapbooking
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4. Social Self-care
Social self-care and building a sense of community is often overlooked when talking about self-care. But is so important, especially for extroverts. But I find it hard to do it justice in just an hour. If you have a friend you can call invite over for coffee for half an hour that’s awesome!
However, since I limited this list to things that require you to step away from your phone emailing or texting a friend can be impossible without a phone. BUT there are some ways to get in social time without social media.
- After setting up a regular time, talk to a friend on the phone.
- Go out or invite a friend over for coffee.
- Write a letter to a friend or family member.
- Do a random act of kindness like baking cookies for a neighbor.
- Plan a party or a ladies night out.
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Self-care is for homeschool moms because we have to find time for self-care in the margins. Between meal times, sibling fights, and lessons, we can’t be afraid to take a little pocket of time to take care of ourselves.
Dive Deep!
Are you ready to take the plunge and start practicing self-care? Take the time right now to jot down a few ideas from this blog post. Or drop a comment below on what you struggle with in regards to self-care.