We value family traditions in our home. Some Sunday nights, my husband makes burgers, and we watch Bob’s Burgers. We have Saturday movie nights where we introduce the kids to the classics, like Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. Those are the kinds of things I want to focus our summer on. Family activities we can enjoy year after year so they become a tradition.
We already do the usual campfire and s’mores during the warmer months, and my husband loves to take the girls hiking and fishing. My husband and I came up with a list of 15 summer activities that lend themselves to family traditions. Most of fairly cheap if not free! And being year-round homeschoolers, some of them lend themselves well to homeschool curriculum.
1. See a movie at the drive-in. I’m pretty sure the girls already see this as a family tradition as we have gone every summer. About 10 miles from us we have an old-fashioned outdoor theatre. I love it! It’s one of my favorite parts of summer.
2. See the fireworks in Madison aka Rhythm and Booms. We have never taken the kids to the fireworks on Fourth of July. It just has never worked for our schedule, but we plan to attend in Madison this year!
3. Summer Concert Series. I am hoping to get to at least one of the summer concerts that our community puts on each summer. Even though it is free, it isn’t overcrowded, and I know the girls will love it! DONE – 06-18-14
4. Take the dogs swimming at the lake. I don’t think we have taken them since the girls were born! Poor animals get so neglected once you have children. DONE – 8-24-14
5. Check out another pool other than our local one. This year we are going to check out Troll Beach.
6. Parks, parks, and more parks! The girls are always asking to go to the park so hopefully the weather cooperates so we can have some quality park time this summer.
7. Prairie Villa Rendezvous My husband grew up attending several buckskinners rendezvous, and this year we are going to take the kids to one near our home town. DONE – 06-14-14
8. Visit my sister and go swimming with my nephews! Twin 6 month olds swimming. It doesn’t get much cuter than that!
9. Attend a movie in the park. My kids LOVE the movies so I was glad to see Madison is having a moonlight movie series this summer. Check our our surrounding area for one! I know my sister had something similar when we visited a couple of years ago.
10. Family reunions. Getting together with extended family is always tough today when people are so busy. We have a couple lined up this summer and are super excited! DONE – 08-09-14
11. Get together with friends. Like family reunions, it’s hard to get old friends together with everyone’s busy summer plans. We have our annual couples weekend but this spring we made sure to set a date this summer to get together. Our friend Katie has horses so we will be traveling to their property to take the girls horseback riding! Fofo has gone once before when she was just shy of 2. She swears she remembers it too!!
DONE – 08-16-14
12. Madison farmer’s market on the square. Madison has one of the most amazing farmer’s markets. We went for the first time 2 years ago year, and can’t wait to go back again. It’s so much fun to see all the different vendors and grab some breakfast on a Saturday morning. It’s right on Capital square in the heart of Madison.
13. Rhythm on the River. Most towns hold a local get together during the summer. Our is called Rhythm on the River. Admission is free and their is entertainment for the kids, music, and dancing. The only cost is for the food which is super reasonably priced from local sources. DONE – 8-23-14
14. We live about 6 blocks from our town’s baseball team (the Fort Generals!) but yet we have never been to a game! We need to change that this year. And maybe even take in Baseball Fest at the end of June!
15. Visit Wedl’s hamburger stand. Another ah-mazing summer food tradition. Can’t wait! DONE – 9-14-14
We don’t really have the finances for a big summer road trip or trips to the water park or State Fair or zoo (even though the one in Madison is free!) They are awesome opportunities if you can swing it. I know Madison Moms blog posted a round up of all local festivals in the Madison area. Other bloggers are a great resource for local activities.
What about you? What is on your summer bucket list? What summer traditions do you have in your family?
I love your list/traditions! So much fun. We don’t have drive-ins around here. The last one shut down over 15 years ago. It’s something I really wish I could do with my children.
Thanks for sharing (and for linking up to the SHINE Blog Hop).
Wishing you a lovely day.
That stinks!! It is so much fun. They even play cartoons before the movie starts. Such an awesome feeling to be making such great memories 🙂
Thanks for hosting!! Have a great week.