Keep reading for Letter T activities and book for preschoolers!

Minus a brief stint in waste management, my husband has been a truck driver for my kids’ entire lives. It’s not easy being the child of a truck driver: long hours, unpredictable schedule, worrying about his safety, and did I mention the long hours?!
We are fortunate that my husband is only gone for around 5 days, but we still worry during bad weather and busy traffic seasons. My girls notice every bad driver and every person on their phone “Really?! On your phone!!” So when you want to cuss out a truck driver, remember that is someone’s Papa. And teach your kids the good ol’ “honk the horn” gesture on your summer vacation. It really brightens a drivers’ day 🙂
And when your father is a truck driver, you are obsessed with all forms of transportation. So naturally the theme for our Letter of the Week unit was T is for Transportation! Trains, trucks, and tractors are the name of the game when it comes to transportation, and I have a simple three-day a week schedule for your home preschool.

My home preschool motto is lots of books and lots of play. Which is exactly what our homeschool preschool was! Our “curriculum” (if you want to call it that) was super simple and a lot of fun. At ages 3 and 5, we spent about 30 minutes to an hour each day doing a few sit-down activities and crafts.
Dig Deeper:
For the Letter T, I have a list of three books with a variety of activities to go along with it. Let’s get started!
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Letter T Activities and Books
Day One – Build-A-Truck and My Truck is Stuck!
“Does anyone know how to make my stuck truck go? In this lyrical read-aloud, young drivers are introduced to the ins and outs of hauling, beeping, and repairing — get ready for a fun ride!”
I was very lucky my girls didn’t beg to read the same picture books over and over again because I have a feeling that if they did I would have had to read this book over and over again. Between the dirt and all the trucks, it’s a kids dream! This build-a-truck activity from is the perfect activity to go along with the book because you can build the perfect truck to get the truck unstuck!
Free Letter T Printable: T is for Truck
My kids LOVED doing dot sticker printables. Make sure you check out these FREE worksheets!
Day Two – Tractor Printables and Duck on a Tractor
“Flushed with the success of his trailblazing bike ride around the farm, Duck decides he’s ready to drive the tractor and all the barnyard animals share their humorous comments as they watch Duck do the unthinkable. Then, one by one, they join him on the tractor for a ride! But what happens when Duck drives the big red tractor through town, past the popular diner where all the locals are having lunch? What will those folks really think when they see Duck and all the other animals riding around on Farmer O’Dell’s tractor? Filled with entertaining detail and sly jokes, readers will pore over each picture again and again. Perfect for reading aloud!”
I ADORE David Shannon’s books, No David being one of my favorites. Duck on a tractor is no exception and if your kids love silly books they will love this one for sure!
Tractor Printables
Over 35 pages of FREE printables, including math and reading, with a tractor theme!
Printable Tractor Craft – Version II
Make your own Duck on a Tractor with these awesome paper crafts!
Day Three – Train Craft and The Little Engine That Could
“The story of a train filled with toys and gifts for little boys and girls that breaks down before reaching the children. After asking several passing trains for help over the hill, a little blue train agrees to help the stranded toys. Even though she is small, the blue train tries her best to bring the toys to the children on the other side of the hill.”
One of my girls’ favorite things to do after reading a book is doing a craft that directly relates to that book. Making pirates after reading a pirate book, crafting a brown bear after reading Brown Bear, Brown Bear What Do you See? So making a paper train set after reading a book about trains would the perfect day for them! lucky for you the blog Learn Create Love has made these awesome train printables!
Printable Train Craft
Make sure you download this FREE paper craft which includes train engine, 2 train cars, and train caboose
Railroad Sign Printable
Don't forget the railway sign! My kids LOVE all the printables from this blog.
Transportation books
Sheep in a Jeep by Nancy E. Shaw
“A flock of hapless sheep drive through the country in this rhyming picture book.”
Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel by Virginia Lee Burton
“Mike and his trusty steam shovel, Mary Anne, dig deep canals for boats to travel through, cut mountain passes for trains, and hollow out cellars for city skyscrapers — the very symbol of industrial America. But with progress come new machines, and soon the inseparable duo are out of work. Mike believes that Mary Anne can dig as much in a day as one hundred men can dig in a week, and the two have one last chance to prove it and save Mary Anne from the scrap heap. What happens next in the small town of Popperville is a testament to their friendship, and to old-fashioned hard work and ingenuity.”
Trashy Town by Andrea Zimmerman
“Meet Mr. Gilly. He cleans up Trashy Town. There’s trash at the pizza parlor, trash at the school, and trash at every house. It’s a big job, but Mr. Gilly does it with a big truck, a big smile, and loads of style.”
Letter of the Week Activities
Looking for ALL our Letter of the Week work? Check out this round-up post!
There you have it, T is for Transportation! Whether it is a tractor, a train, or a truck, I hope you found something you can implement in your homeschool!!
Additional Recourses
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