Keep reading for the ultimate list of Letter of the Week activities from letters A-Z!

Maria Montessori once said “The education of even a small child, therefore, does not aim at preparing him for school, but for life.” And even though I am not a Montessori teacher, I still find this quote to be so valuable when preparing to homeschool your child.
Think in terms of life skills, rather than school skills. And an important life skill to have is reading. And one of the first steps to reading is letter recognition.
Note: I do not specialize in children’s literacy. I am only going with my experience as a homeschool teacher. So don’t take my advice as gospel.
Back in 2013 when I started homeschooling my daughters who were 3 and 5 at time, we followed a Letter of the Week format. My oldest participated in a local prek outside of the home. She was having a little trouble adjusting to doing school at home. So I decided to continue on with what her preschool program was doing which was similar to Letter of the Week.
We LOVED it! It niched enough that we had plenty of activities and crafts we could do, but it wasn’t so specific that we got bored to doing the same thing week after week.
I documented all our Letter of the Week work and links to all the posts are below. But before I start sharing those I have a couple of notes about this method and homeschooling preschool.
First, this isn’t a method that teaches your child to read. This is simply about letter recognition. Unless you have previous phonics experience, I wouldn’t introduce those concepts either. Just focus on letter recognition and the fine motor skill of writing.
Second, you child will gain just as much with a play-based preschool. I would rather organize sit-down activities than sit down and play with my kids. So I viewed our “school” time as “mom” time. I was only focused on them. No other distractions. It’s a way of filling their cup without having to sit on the floor and play My Little Pony for two hours.
Third, spending longer on each letter is better than trying to fly through them. We took our time and it took us about a year and a half to get through all the letters. We took breaks when we needed them, and I didn’t give them more than they were ready for.
Andy lastly, be consistent. Which was something I struggled with, full transparency. Being with kids 25/8 is not easy. It’s simple, but it isn’t easy. Aim for progress, not perfection. It’s better for you and your kids to take a week and half to go through a letter than go weeks between letters.
Now lets get to the fun stuff! A list of all of our Letter of the Week work. It includes activities, books, crafts, recipes, sensory play, and printables. Feel free to pick and choose what you would like to do based on your family’s situation and likes and dislikes. I hope you find this helpful!
Letter of the Week Activities
Activities and Books for the Letter A
Letter A included some adorable alligator printables as well as an airplane craft.
Activities and Books for the Letter B
We love bears so the Letter B was all about Bears.
Activities and Books for the Letter C
I think my children's obsession with Cars (the movie and ACTUAL cars) came from our Letter C work.
Activities and Books for the Letter D
Letter D is a mish-mash of things from deer to dump trucks to ducks!
Activities and Books for the Letter E
Letter E is for elephant and that is all I have to say about that.
Activities and Books for the Letter F
Another eclectic week with frogs, fairies, and fireworks sensory play.
Activities and Books for the Letter G
Letter G included green goop and garbage trucks. Not at the same time of course.
Activities for the Letter H
H was one of our most memorable weeks with hearts and hand cookies!
Activities and Books for the Letter I
Invent an ice cream flavor during your Letter I week!
Activities and Books for the Letter J
Bust out the jelly beans and Jell-o because the Letter J week is gonna be super fun!
Four Activities for the Letter K
This Letter K post contains 4 fun activities that includes a key, Kool-Aid, and kiwi.
Activities for the Letter L
What isn't to love about love, and that's the name of the game during our Letter L week.
Activities and Sensory Play for the Letter M
If your children don't like marshmallows, then don't click on this post!
Activities and Books for the Letter N
An adorable nest activity/recipe is one of my favorite things from our Letter N week.
Activities and Books for the Letter O
Activities and Books for the Letter P
Our Letter P week was Pirate themed and it was so much fun!!
Activities and Books for the Letter Q
Check out this post for fun Queen activities as well as a fun Quilt craft.
Activities and Books for the Letter R
Rockets, rainbows, and race cars make up the Letter R week.
Activities and Books for the Letter S
Look in the SKY! It's the SUN and STARS!
Activities and Books for the Letter T
Letter T talks about all sorts of transportation. Check it out!
Activities and Books for the Letter U
You can go UP with an UMBRELLA but you can't go UNDERGROUND.
Activities and Books for the Letter V
V is for vegetables, which is every child's favorite thing!
Activities and Books for the Letter W
Don't let Wall-e bring worms to your watermelon. I'm trying here guys.
Activities and Books for the Letter X
X marks the spot takes the spotlight during Letter X week.
Activities and Books for the Letter Y
I love Yaks. What can I say.
Activities and Books for the Letter Z
Zebra printables and zoo sensory play. Click now!
Thanks so much for reading and I hope you have an amazing time doing some of these activities with your kids!